Mr Christian Petermann, your SBA specialist in construction and real estate law® and EPFL real estate expert.

Mr Christian Petermann is one of the few Geneva lawyers with the title of SBA specialist lawyer in construction and real estate law, approved by the Swiss Federation of Lawyers. He is recognized for his legal expertise, his availability, and dedication.

Training and titles


Adjudicator/Expert-Intervenor Training, Construction Industry, CanDACC, ADR Chamber, Toronto, Canada


Commercial and Civil Arbitration Training, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada – October 2024 (ongoing)


CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in arbitration - Swiss Arbitration Academy – Universities of Lucerne and Neuchâtel

Arbitration Practitioner, Swiss Arbitration Academy


CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in Real Estate Expertise - EPFL and Institute for Swiss and International Construction Law, Fribourg


Title of SBA Specialist Law Real Estate and Construction Law

2011 – 2013

CAS (Certificate of Advanced Studies) in Construction and Real Estate Law - Institute for Swiss and International Construction Law, Fribourg

Professional activities


Foreign Legal Advisor – Quebec Bar, Montreal

Since 2012

Law firm of Christian Petermann in Geneva

2010 − 2012

Founder and partner of a law firm in Lausanne

2004 − 2010

Law firm of Christian Petermann in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel

2005 − 2013

Director of a company active in the field of construction and real estate in the canton of Vaud


Lawyer's Patent


  • French
  • English
  • German
  • Swiss German



The specialist lawyer is better placed than any other to estimate with the greatest possible precision the foreseeable cost of the services he provides.

With more than 15 years of experience in construction and real estate, the Lawyer has assembled an impressive catalog of cases constantly updated with new experiences. This valuable work tool allows him to formulate the most suitable package tailored to the needs of the customer.

The package sometimes plus a premium (pactum palmario) is usually divided into phases with each of them deadlines. The client thus controls his legal fees. He is protected from hourly billing, the verification of which is often a source of conflict.

Computer security

IT security brings together all legal, technical and human processes that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of information, documents and data exchanged with the customer and third parties. These elements are encrypted after a complex procedure guaranteeing the strict respect of professional secrecy (Article 321 SCrimPC).

The lawyer operates with his own storage and remote access (clouding) system, both with a triple ID security level and a constantly redirected dynamic IP address making it virtually impossible for unauthorized third parties to remotely access electronic records of the client.

He also has a qualified electronic signature, which allows, if the customer wishes, that the e-mails exchanged be exclusively by this signature.

Jurisdictional activities

Since November 2015, Mr Petermann assumes the duties of assessor lessor to the Prefectural Committee on conciliation in leases in the District of Morges and of Nyon.His commissions intervene in any question relating to the lease of real estate things.

The role of the Assessors Donors is to try to reconcile the parties, to advise and make the decisions provided by law. In some cases, the commission acts as an arbitral tribunal at the request of the parties.